Authentic kimono pattern.
From baby to Adult,
All size to make
Without learning Japanese sewing,
you can make authentic kimono with pattern and sewing machine.
According to your favorite fabric and color,
you can make your own kimono.
There is no liner and the structure is simple.
Purchase & Download Pattern
* The pattern is sent to your email within one day after purchase.
New version available

The most recent version of this pattern has been released. To view it, please click here.
Available for
baby size
The size is available from baby to adult,
for men and women.
Print out pattern
from PDF
Paper pattern is formatted as PDF.
Video tutorial
How to make it
Size table

Name of size

Yuki consists of Shoulder width (肩幅 Katahaba) and Sleeve width (袖幅 Sodehaba).

If your body is thin, Shoulder width should be narrow and Sleeve width should be wide.
And if your body is wide, Shoulder width should be wide and Sleeve width should be narrow.
But in any case, the total width Yukitake (裄丈) should be the same because it’s the length from neck bone to wrist bone.

How to measure Yuki

This is how to check Yuki (= Shoulder width + Sleeve width) by a tape measure.

You could measure Yuki by this way theoretically,
but this way can be wrong because of the shape of your body, and the texture of your fabric.

So I would recommend to have some first cheep kimono or yukata before you tailor it,
so that you can think of how shorter or longer your Yuki should be.

Or you could check your long-sleeve shirt.

Purchase & Download Pattern
* The pattern is sent to your email within one day after purchase.
Files except for PDF are available as a sample.
This is Adult Men L size.
Tricks of printing
Be careful of the following points to print out in a correct size.
  1. Gray scale printing.
  2. Actual Size
  3. Vertical
  4. Size A4
This shop has no Macintosh environment and this is based on Apple company's help, and is the result that the customer tested.
According to https://support.apple.com/ja-jp/guide/mac-help/mh26678/mac,
it seems to print our in the size closest to the actual size when set 100% size.
Paper size is A4.
number of paper to print out
List of total number of paper when print out in A4 paper
Adult Men
Men SS  106 sheets
Men S  106 sheets
Men M  122 sheets
Men L  122 sheets
Men LL  128 sheets
Adult Women
Women S  110 sheets
Women M  116 sheets
Women L  120 sheets
Women TL  120 sheets
Women LL  133 sheets
boy 60  25 sheets
boy 70  32 sheets
boy 80  32 sheets
boy 90  46 sheets
boy 100  54 sheets
boy 110  59 sheets
boy 120  62 sheets
boy 130  75 sheets
boy 140  92 sheets
boy 150  100 sheets
girl 60  29 sheets
girl 70  36 sheets
girl 80  36 sheets
girl 90  50 sheets
girl 100  54 sheets
girl 110  59 sheets
girl 120  62 sheets
girl 130  75 sheets
girl 140  106 sheets
Length of necessary fabric
How to locate paper patterns
1.Print out all PDF files.
* "sode.pdf" is for sleeves and please print out 2 times for left and right.
* A solid line is a finihsed line, a dotted line is a seam allowance line, and a double dotted line is a fold line.
2.Paste the same alphabet and nuber of each other such as "A1" and "A1" by scotch tape.
3.Fold edge of one side along with dotted line.
Fix the fabric and the paper pattern by marking pins.
4.Cut off fabric and paper pattern along with dotted line.

Q & A
Please feel free to email info@wkimono.tokyo for inquiry and request before and after purchase.
Basially I reply within 1 to 2 days.
Lines are thick. Where in this line is correct, inside, center, outside? I'm going to use it by tracing it.
Center is correct. Theoretically correct position is center, and that's magnified. Strictly speaking, inside and outside are wrong.
Why should I sew both of pater pattern and fabric instead of tracing lines to fabric?
The target of this paper patter is beginners without experience. For experienced users, please use this paper pattern as you prefer such as tracing lines on your own.
I have no experience of sewing. Can I do that?
Yes. This pattern was made for beginners. Please contact me if you face a problem or have a question while making. info@wkimono.tokyo.
I am too tall / small / thin / big. How can I change the pattern?
You could purchase this Customized Pattern. If your body doesn't fit the size table of S to L, you can customize and change the pattern. Please email info@wkimono.tokyo to tell your preferred size, or consult how you customize it.
Purchase & Download Pattern
* The pattern is sent to your email within one day after purchase.
Customer's work

May 16th 2022
This customer wanted summer cotton kimono, and she tried hard to make it as watching the youtube manual. This is a really nice work :)

Aug 11th 2022
This customer is from overseas, and I'm glad people out of Japan are interested in Japanese culture :D

Dec 24th 2022
It's sewn beautifully and neatly. And the pattern of the fabric on Okumi part is plain though the color is the same, that's a cool choice!

Mar 6th 2023
It was very well sewn.
Whole coloring works well. Pale purple is cute.
The haori like a cardigan looks warm, and I want it!
Patters are matched on the collar, okumi and migoro perfectly!
I'm surprised you used the pattern so well.

Mar 12th 2023
It is a very nice work! And she applied long sleeve and Awase (two layers), that was really great.
Furthermore, she had a studio photo shoot.
Lace is put as Date Eri (Collar).
Pattern is a rose on the white plain background, and it's sweet and pretty :)

Apr 11th 2023
This overseas customer purchased the pattern for a child, and tailored it for the doll. I'm amazed she improved the quality like this, and am fascinated with the atmosphere. I like the Nagoya Obi belt, too!

May 17th 2023
This customer tailored it for his mother on the Mother's day. He made not only kimono but also Han-haba-obi (half width obi belt) and han-juban (half juban undergarment)! Totally the color is calm but the collar (han-eri) is vivid and it's an accent, that is nice.

Jun 13th 2023
This customer is from abroad. He often contacted me while making this kimono, and showed the process. He felt the most difficulty The collar, he said, was the most difficult part, because with a sewing machine, you would have to sew from the front and from the back. Beautiful finish and texture of the fabric! Maybe next time I can make it a little bigger. The obi pattern is cute too :)

Aug 23rd 2023
This customer is from Europe. This yukata is beautifully sewn. I think it is a great work even though there is not much information out of Japan, only using pattern and Youtube tutorial video. The fabric is cute and very Japanese.

Sewing example & Wearing picture